As we enter the Holiday time of year we turn or focus to those around us, the relationships we have.…
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The season is over for most of us. There are a few special events to run but for the most…
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Have you ever felt like a gerbil running on a never-ending wheel? Many times life is a blur, moving at…
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Life is full of challenges, stresses and strains. When we look around we can see the burdens written on the…
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Sometimes things get heated up at the track. Sometimes we don’t respond in a way that honors God. It can…
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Do you have a tire specialist? I hope so. A tire specialist can give us the information to make the…
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The season is in full swing and the heat is turned up. The championship races are shaping up but there…
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Sometimes in life we get to a place where things just seem disorganized. We try but we just don’t seem…
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There is something to be said for coming home, whether it is after a long race weekend, a vacation or…
Last week was a difficult week with the sudden passing of my friend AJ Vogel. AJ served Thompson Speedway and…
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