Greetings in the name of the Lord, allow me to introduce myself. I am Rev. Don Rivers, President of Racing with Jesus Ministries, Pastor of Mount Carmel Christian Church. I am married to Lynda and we have three beautiful daughters, Elisabeth, Katie, and Danielle, and two wonderful grandchildren. We live in Coventry, CT.
I accepted Christ at the age of 30 and God’s plan for my life was very different than what I had anticipated. I was ordained to the Gospel Ministry in May of 1999 while pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church in West Springfield, MA. In early 2002 God led me to move from the pulpit to the mission field. I soon found myself in ministry as a Chaplain to the drivers and teams of NASCAR’s touring divisions. God has taken my interest in racing and my love for Him and married them together on the mission field.
In 2005 the founder of Racing with Jesus Ministries, Rev. Pat Evans, developed pancreatic cancer and went home to be with the Lord. I then realized why God had placed me here. During Pat’s illness I started assuming his duties and began taking care of the day to day requirements of the ministry. With Pat’s passing I was appointed as president and along with another long time chaplain Rev. Dan Petfield, Pat left the ministry in our hands.