Have you ever wondered if the way we approach things matters? Does the attitude with which we go about our day-to-day activities have an influence on those around us? You know that we can change any encounter with our attitude. We can change things for the better or worse. Our attitude has a great influence on the way others will respond. Do we have the proper frame of mind? Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


When you step back and take a look at life you start to realize how few things we control. We have no control over the things that happen to us. Think about how many times a race driver has said “I got caught up in someone else’s mess.” When you race you have control of the decisions you make, but there are many other drivers out there with you who are making decisions independent of yours. None of those other drivers are thinking the same thing you are. Their decisions will be what they think is most beneficial to them and the race they are running.


I have seen many races where decisions of one driver ended the day for another. I have seen a driver retaliate for an incident and end up taking out another competitor who had nothing to do with it. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time. He had no control over what the other two drivers were doing, but their decisions cost him and he did not finish the race. We do not have the control we think we have.


There is one thing we always have control of; we have control over how we respond to the decisions of the others. There are always two sides to every story. The truth lies somewhere in the middle. A wise person holds their tongue, and actions, until they know the whole story. 


Sometimes we respond before we figure out what really happened and make a fool of ourselves. Remember the old adage, “Put your mind in gear before you put your mouth in motion.” In the heat of the battle we forget to think first and speak later. 



Proverbs 17:28; Even fools are thought wise when they keep silent; with their mouths shut, they seem intelligent.



When we think about the choices we make and how that makes us feel, we determine our attitude, our frame of mind. We always have the choice to decide how we are going to look at something. The glass can be half full or half empty. Most times our frame of mind will influence how those around us respond. Our attitude is contagious. How do we frame things, positively or negatively?


Think about how we react to difficult circumstances. How we react to challenges. How do we react when things are not going the way we thought they would? Are we able to look beyond the circumstances and into the lives of those around us? Are we able to frame things in a way that shows more concern for others than ourselves? We don’t have to let circumstance dictate our attitude.


Everyone understands our disappointment or discouragement when things aren’t going well, but when our attitude contrasts our situation people take notice. That is when people wonder what we have that they don’t.



James 1:2, Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds,…



This sets the tone for the right way to deal with difficult circumstances. James says do it with joy. Now how many of us face difficulty and trials with joy? Joy is an inner peace, a confidence that God is in control and the situation we are in will benefit us. Most time we don’t. Most times we see them as bad things, things we don’t deserve. We are disappointed and discouraged. We let it show. We need to adjust our attitude. Listen as James completes his thought.



James 1:3-4, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.



When we learn how to have the proper frame of mind we begin the maturing process. When we respond to challenging times properly we develop the maturity necessary to grow. 


Think back on how we responded when we were younger. We didn’t have the discernment or knowledge that we do now. Because of that we responded immaturely. 


When I look back on the way I used to act I wonder how God saw anything in me that He could use. I used to fly off the handle and shoot my mouth off before I understood the real situation. I have seen the same immaturity demonstrated in others and wonder if that was the example I used to set. How about you, how do you respond to challenging situations?


Let’s take a drive. We arrive at the stop sign and there is a car approaching from the other direction. Will they stop or won’t they? You don’t know and you can’t predict it either. Who knows what the driver is thinking or doing. Are they changing the radio station or maybe talking on a cell phone? They could be just daydreaming or thinking of something other than driving or the stop sign. What choice do we make? 


We live our life that way every day, we trust others to make the right choices. We trust others to act in a way that is beneficial for us. Most times people act contrary to that. Most times we act in our own interest and we feel somehow we have control. We don’t. 


When things happen to us because of someone else’s choice we say it was out of our control. We cannot choose for someone else, but their choice determines what happens in our life. I know of only one person who can control the choice of others if they let him, God. 


We need to set an example by first following God’s direction. As we go about doing that we should have a peace in our heart that demonstrates our trust in Him. That will help us develop maturity and perseverance. 


This week try this, relax, don’t get excited, keep a proper frame of mind. Let God have control, trust Him and see where He leads you. You will be surprised how much freedom you will have when you don’t worry about taking care of number one. You will be surprised how encouraging you can be to others.  


Until next time, remember God loves you and Jesus is Lord over Auto Racing! God Bless. Remember, that your prayerful support and donations helps us continue this ministry. Thank You.