
That little voice in your ear, that nudge at your heart, that thought in your mind; where does it come from? It has two sources. One is from you, one is from God. How do you figure out which one to listen to?

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Have you ever stopped to think about why you do something? Many of us are influenced to act a certain…

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We all love a good story. Have you ever noticed the one ingredient that makes a good story? Truth; when…

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The Road

There are many who can talk a good story, but the numbers thin out when the time comes to walk…

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We don’t always see things the same. We often look at things with an eye toward what is most advantageous…

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Welcome back as we continue our exploration of the Sermon on the Mount. The next passage we take a look…

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Decisions, AKA Growing Pains Growing pains is another word for conflict resolution. Conflict is a strong word but there are…

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Talk to Me

How’s our prayer life? You know, how much have we been talking with God lately? We can get so caught…

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