Many times in life we question why things happen. The timing of things puzzle us. Why did this happen? Why now? How do we deal with things that we don’t understand? Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Events happen in our life that do not follow the plan we have in our head. Think of a race day, how many of them go the way you planned? One thing is guaranteed about race day, it will not go the way you planned. We adapt and get thorough it the best way we can.

Each of us think we know the best way things should go. We think we fully understand and know the way things should go. The truth is we don’t. Have you ever noticed how two people can be in the same situation and they have different ideas about what should be done?

Think about pit stops. Do we pit? Some say yes some say no. When? A certain lap or wait and see. Then when we are in the heat of the battle all bets are off. What we thought we were going to do we don’t. Why, because the situation changed and we needed to adjust.

Things in life happen that are beyond our control. We think we know what to expect, but we don’t. We cannot predict the future, even what we will do and where we will go. We need to be flexible and respond to life events in a way that would honor God.

Isaiah says this about God’s plan and timing;

Isaiah55:8; “My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the Lord.

    “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine.

And James says; 

James 4:13-14, Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.”


We can plan all we want, but the fact remains that God is in control. God has our lives in His hands. When things happen that we don’t understand we must turn to Him. When we do we find grace, forgiveness and someone who will show us the right way to move forward. We need to heed His guidance and follow His lead.

It is good to remember how we arrived in this place. We did not get to where we are in life alone. Someone came before us and laid a foundation for us. Life is fragile and we need to remember how our actions affect others. We need to remember that everything we do has an effect not only on those around us but also on those who follow us for years to come. This reminds me of a passage in the Old Testament that helps us to remember there is a time for all things in life.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8,

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: 

Knowing the cycle that life helps us to understand and learn from the lessons that others have already learned. We need to draw on that experience and learn from it. We need to recognize that someone has come before and paved the way so that we can start with a better understanding and build off their experience. When we refuse to acknowledge and consider that we are condemned to repeat failure. There is nothing so new under the sun that someone somewhere has not dealt with it. Understanding that will be beneficial for us. That will help us through this time.

When life happens, how will we respond? Will we lean on our faith in God? Will we be able to carry on because we know who holds the future? Will we be willing to walk alongside and support someone through their difficulties? Is our own faith strong enough? Or, will we fall apart and crumble under the weight. Others are watching us and keeping track of how we this time in our lives. What we say and do makes a difference.

I guess the question remains, “what are we doing to affect the lives of those around us?” Do we ever take under consideration that our actions and reactions affect not only us but those around us. We should look at our life not only for what it means to us, but for what it means to those around us.  We are here today because of the choices of others. Tomorrow other’s lives will reflect the decisions that we make today. How should we change the way we live to leave the right directions?

God places a passion on each one of our hearts. It is what makes us tick. Sometimes we have trouble identifying that, but when we do, watch out, we do not feel satisfied doing anything else. Passion is easy to see, look into someone’s eyes, look into their heart. You can tell.

Our lives were Christ’s passion, he gave His life for us. When we find the thing God placed in our lives that we are passionate about we will find Him. Our life will be a testament to Him and will spread His goodness to everyone we meet.

I encourage you to find that passion God has for your life you will, pursue it and see the results, they will glorify Him. Be careful not to get caught up pursuing what you want, the results won’t be the same.

This time, this place, was created for us. We have those who came before us to lead us. We have those who will follow to guide. When this time is past how what will the story say? God bless, until next time, remember God loves you and Jesus is Lord over Auto Racing! God Bless. Remember, that your prayerful support helps us continue this ministry. Thank You.